Friday, April 17, 2009

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday we headed over at my mother-in-law's house. We couldn't wait to pig out on ham, homemade scalloped potatoes and rolls, pasta salad, cheesecake, etc. I was really trying to get a cute Easter pic of Carlee before everyone came...


...but she kept on running away from me!


These next two pics are as close as I got.



Collin is a roll freak. Seriously, you better hide them if he comes over. He snitched two rolls before dinner, ate one during dinner, and devoured several more after that. I can't believe one little boy could eat so many!


Collin, Carlee , Kaitlyn and I all ate downstairs in the play room. We drank special "tea" out of our teacups. I added lots of sugar to mine! Then we immediately started working off our dinner. We ran up and down the stairs and headed outside to chase around the house. The kids were trying to steal my "magical" jewelry but it took them awhile to get it. Muwah ha ha!



Carrying the slowpoke Carlee wore me out more than anything. She was on my team as we tried to capture Collin and Kaitlyn and steal their magical wand of power. We had a blast though. I love family get togethers! Sorry you had to work honey!


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