Princess Carlee has finally turned three! She absolutely loves kitties (too bad she's allergic!) so we decided to give her a kitty birthday.
I wanted to make her favorites for dinner which of course had to consist of hot dogs and mac and cheese. I found a yummy corn dog recipe that we could make without eggs (which I'll post on my food blog). Little Miss Carlee couldn't wait for the corn dogs to cook though so she got away with eating a plain hot dog on a stick.
Grandma Christensen had to make her cake of course since she is the most talented cake decorator out of all of us. She made an applesauce cake (eggless of course) from scratch. It turned out sooooo good! Thanks mom!
She actually found out about this present before she was supposed to. The other kids were looking at it and left my bedroom door open so she wandered in and found it. We shushed her outta there but when Grandpa Jensen came over she grabbed his hand and made him take her back to see it. We decided to just let her have it early.
Grandma Brewer always brings the best gift. Who doesn't love balloons? (Plus she sneaks some cash into the balloon before it's blown up.)
Playing with grandma Jensen and the dinosaur she got her.
Collin, Carlee and Kaitlyn
Granny and Gramps Christensen gave her a little people's learning town and she was so excited by all the noises it made. They played with it the entire next morning before school.
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